Our Beginnings

Years before Mary College’s incorporation in 1959, the Library Committee, chaired by Lillian Lord, consolidated collections of books, periodicals, and audiotapes belonging to the St. 亚历克修斯护理学院与修道院高中的图书馆馆藏和其他书籍已经获得,供未来MG冰球突破试玩学院的学生使用.

委员会最初把这些材料放在报喜修道院的高中翼楼. 继1963年圣母报喜堂建成之后, MG冰球突破试玩学院图书馆在后来成为本笃会仆人式领导中心的低层找到了第一个固定的家.

Steady Growth

我们的员工最初只有一名全职职员协助Lord, who oversaw library operations three days a week. 玛莎·克莱尔·基尔泽修女在1962年秋天成为我们的第一位全职图书管理员. 她在报喜修道院的姐妹们在她任职期间提供了兼职支持. 在玛莎·克莱尔修女的指导下,图书馆的藏书继续增长.

1968年,MG冰球突破试玩·舒斯特修女被任命为我们的第一位图书馆馆长. 1971年,保罗·奈奎斯特修士接替MG冰球突破试玩修女,任职六年. Cheryl Bailey assumed the directorship in 1977; her 38-year tenure came to a close in 2015. The same year, we welcomed our current director of library services, David Gray, to the Welder Library family.


In 1993, MG冰球突破试玩图书馆与俾斯麦和曼丹的公共图书馆合作,形成了中央达科他图书馆网络(ccdn),并建立了一个详尽的在线公共访问目录(OPAC)。. Today, the CDLN comprises more than 20 regional libraries.


Throughout the 80s and 90s, 认证机构的代表一再指出图书馆进入的重大障碍, 特别是原有空间的面积不足,校园南端的位置也不方便. 在报喜会底层待了将近40年, MG冰球突破试玩图书馆成为了它现在的永久住所. Constructed in 1998, the Welder Library sits at the crest of Gift Hill, 这样命名是为了纪念查尔斯·斯旺森1957年给我们的创始人留下的40英亩土地, the Benedictine Sisters of the Annunciation.


焊工图书馆是献给报喜修道院的本笃会修女和“我们的朋友和大学领袖”的,” the late Sister Thomas Welder, OSB, 表彰她在发展MG冰球突破试玩方面的智慧和领导力.” A steadfast servant leader and lifelong learner, 托马斯修女从1978年到2009年担任MG冰球突破试玩校长.

The Welder Library Today

In addition to our primary space, which boasts computer workstations with color and black and white printing and seating for up to 204 guests. Our building houses classrooms, an art gallery, and the main offices of the School of Arts and Sciences. Our current holdings include nearly 47,000 print volumes, over 500,000 ebooks, 还有一个不断增长的在线数据库目录,总共提供了大约100个,000 academic journals. We are proud to serve over 75,000 patrons a year.

The Library's Mission, Vision, and Values

焊工图书馆的使命是提供全面的资源和服务,以支持研究, teaching, and learning needs of the University of Mary community. To fulfill this mission, the Welder Library strives to:

  • 了解用户的研究、教学和学习需求;
  • 建立收集和创建工具,以支持研究,教学和学习;
  • 提供查阅本地及外部资讯资源的途径,并促进发现及使用这些资源;
  • 确保图书馆馆藏和资源的保存和长期可用;
  • 为学习、教学和研究创造友好的物理和虚拟环境;
  • 与大学其他成员合作,丰富研究和学习社区;
  • 推进地方和国家图书馆和信息倡议;
  • 发展、鼓励和维持员工的专业知识、技能、承诺和创新精神.

As a center of intellectual inquiry, 焊工图书馆与MG冰球突破试玩共享提供一个充满活力的学习环境的愿望.

焊工图书馆确保其收藏保持前瞻性, diverse in breadth and form, open to browsing, and of impeccable quality. 获取图书馆信息对我们的用户来说是至关重要的,图书馆推广了创新的信息资源,为学生提供了一个轻松的获取系统, faculty, and staff. To serve future users, 图书馆保存所有格式的信息,并确保有效的存储和传递系统. 图书馆的物理和虚拟空间响应了用户不断变化的习惯,丰富了校园体验,并增加了人们追求查询的方式. 图书馆与不断扩大的合作伙伴的合作产生了统一的访问, broadening knowledge, and enhanced services.

The library continues to embrace change, support professional growth and opportunity, and reward flexibility and innovation

In all of our interactions, we are guided by these values:


焊工图书馆完全致力于支持MG冰球突破试玩为宗教服务的使命, academic, and cultural needs of the people in our region and beyond.


  • We encourage the process of learning and the life of the mind.
  • We celebrate truth-seeking through discourse and investigation.
  • We anticipate and contribute to scholarly inquiry.
  • 我们提倡图书馆既是真实的,又是虚拟的扩展教室.
  • 我们接受自己作为知识记录的收集者和保管人的角色.


  • 我们提供一个支持创造力、灵活性和协作的环境.
  • 我们相信图书馆的每个用户都是独特而重要的.
  • 我们不断发展以满足图书馆及其用户不断变化的需求.
  • We maintain a comfortable, welcoming, and secure place for study, research, work, reflection, and interaction.
  • 我们维护有用和有价值的在线信息资源,以充分支持所有远程学习者的需求.


  • We commit ourselves to excellence.
  • 我们寻找最优秀的人才和资源来完成我们的工作.
  • We support individual growth and organizational development.
  • 我们努力工作,以超越我们所服务的人的期望.


  • We relate to each other with honesty and candor.
  • 我们坚持公平、正义、平等的工作原则.
  • We promote the highest standards of our profession, including open and equitable access to information.
  • We demonstrate a strong work ethic, taking responsibility for our actions, keeping our word, and following through on our commitments.


  • We treat everyone with equal consideration and courtesy.
  • We encourage differences in perspective, opinions, and ideas.
  • We consider the needs of others.
  • We provide an environment that is inclusive and diverse.


  • We engage in open and honest communication at all levels.
  • We recognize the importance of library-wide participation.
  • We reach out to all segments of our user communities.
  • 我们分享信息,并就影响图书馆成功的决定征求意见.

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